>>24832764Team Entropy. Inspired more or less on political squatter movement.
They strive for anarchy in the world, both in human society and in Pokemon/human relationship, without any mythological approach.
They just despise authorities because they feel they restrict humans and Pokemon's liberties alike. They gather people fed up with how the League and authorities work and want to change the world. It wasn't until recently they went to more violent ways to express themselves by taking over gyms and important buildings. That was because of the violent response of authorities to previous demands.
Internally, they look like good people though. Their base is a big, ruined building, where you can see them conviving in harmony with their Pokemon.
Their teams are mostly Grass, Psychic and Fighting-types. Drowzee, Ralts, Medicham, Seedot, Scraggy and Bellsprout lines are frequent.
Their leader, Cecilia, is a huge idealist, kinda like Richard Stallman. Her team is composed by Chesnaught, Medicham, Exploud, Nuzleaf and Lilligant, the latter being her mega of choice.
When battling her, she asks you how do you wish society to be, and tries to talk you she's striving for the society she dreams of. After you become victorious, police breaks out and arrest her. The local gym leader or Elite Four leader talks to you that not everybody is ready for anarchy, and knowing about how spiteful and selfish most people are, society would be a total mess. It worked in Team Entropy because they all strived for a common goal, stating you that just takes one spiteful person to spoil that entire society.
Then, the "base" gets empty. Where you battled Cecilia there's a letter where she tells about the hardships of her past, and why did she made the organization. You can visit her in the jail.