>We start off the game with 60 fucking lines of dialog before we get to do something as basic as create our character, and all the options look awful>Eventually, democracy decides on picking bootleg Sepiroth as our avatar, and quads choose Zephyr as our character's name>A few password inputs and a wall of text later, I realize that there's not actually a steel type obtainable without any badges.>After that I attend the VIP banquet, sit through several walls of text, overhear some really sketchy looking people talk about their plans to take over the region>Ava remembers that this game was inspired by Reborn and decides that shit is gonna hit the fan soon after overhearing that conversation, and tells us to split upAll that fucking dialog and we still don't have a starter yet. I setup a strawpoll asking what (unevolved, non-legendary) steel type we should get as our replacement starter and there were 8 votes for Honedge, with the runner up, Magnemite, getting 3 votes.
Whiteout counter: 0
Badges: 0
Natural shinies: 0
nothing yet
Previous Threads: plays MEGA folder (contains writefaggotry, art, screenshot spam, and extras): the fuck is this garbage?
>This is Pokemon Desolation, a fangame inspired by Reborn/Rejuvenation and probably the least finished part of the Autism Trilogy>Also a steel monotype run because drawfag asked for it, because it's my favorite type, and because it should keep things at a reasonable pace without needing to rely on GETs for catches>Decisions are made via GETs when people actually give a shit about them.