>>43567550I want to call you a faggot and say "fuck you," but sadly, this is a true statement.
A lot of shit nowadays in regards to ROM Hacking are just straight up remakes of Fire Red and Kanto as a whole, but now with just:
>M-muh Phy/Spe split!!!!1!11!!!!11!1>M-Muh gen 1-8 Pokemanz!111!!!!11>M-Muh day night cycle!!!!11!1!11!!!!>M-Muh decapitalization!!11!!1!!!>M-Muh Mega evolutions!!11!!!Christ. Fucking christ. Some fag has even tried remaking Gen 3 itself... in a gen 3 fucking game! Now with a "National Dex" and literally the same exact fucking story as ORAS! What the fuck?
I mean, fuck essentials, but at least shit is interesting, even if half of them die off in less than a year. At least with essentials, we aren't getting garbage, useless "improvement" hacks that do nothing but waste our time or ponder why they even bothered making it in the first place, considering they're so fucking similar to what's already on the "market".
Call me fucking autistic, but you know it's true. Have fucking fun playing the tenth iteration of Hoenn with all Pokemon and the same gen 4-styled backsprites and boring ass "difficulty." The only one I've ever liked is SourCrystal and maybe Throwback, and I'm keeeping it that way.
So, honestly?
Based and redpilled.