This is why there will never be an open world Pokemon game, and here's why. No.33800727 View ViewReport Quoted By:
> 1. Pokemon (in its' current form) is one of the most successful game franchises of all time.
Every new mainline game makes a SHITLOAD of money for GameFreak and Nintendo. And yet the budget and scope of the games has never increased accordingly. GameFreak fucking LOVE that they're able to shit out such cheap games that sell so well, as any developer would.
If they made Pokemon of the Wild - sure, it'd probably sell more. But I really doubt it'd sell more than twice as much. And you're talking about increasing the budget like 20x over or something like that. Not to mention it took ~5+ years to make Breath of the Wild. GameFreak can make 3-4 games in that time. They'd literally end up making more profit just continuing to make the games they are now.
> 2. GameFreak aren't ambitious or talented enough to be able to do it, and they have complete control of the IP.
Even if you think this hypothetical open world Pokemon game would be the next GTA V and sell a hundred million copies...GameFreak are very average developers. Satoshi Taijiri had an awesome idea 20 years ago, and the company has been able to milk that ever since. But they would definitely not be capable of making an open world game.
The common response to this is "they could give the IP to someone else!" But why would they allow that? Pokemon is THEIR cash cow. If they give it to another developer, nobody would care about the games that they make anymore, and they'd have to try and rely on their other average titles like HarmoKnight and Tembo the Badass Elephant. Good luck with that.
> 3. Nintendo won't try to push them to make it (or let them make it) either.
"If it ain't broke, don't fix it" is what I imagine Nintendo is thinking. Maybe they would push harder if the mainline games started drastically declining sales-wise, but you shills are still going to buy USUM, so that's probably never going to happen.