Psyduck Edition
Welcome to the Pokémon Anime Discussion Thread. Talk about new episodes, old episodes, upcoming episodes, anime Pokégirls, sub releases, discuss, speculate, bitch and moan, etc., etc.
>Livestream link (Fridays @ 9:55 AM UTC):>Latest episode (1080p) (720p)
Next episode:
>PM2019 059 - Panic! Gokulin Ball!! / Come on, Kamukame - The Turtle Race! (March 5) episodes:
>PM2019 059 - Lost Sarunori! Who is the Trainer!? (March 12th)>PM2019 060 - Aim to Become Leek Master! Stay With Me, Chivalry!! (March 19th)>PM2019 061 - Leave It To Us! The Plusle and Minun Handymen!! (March 26th)Summaries, voice cast, etc.: >Upcoming episodes preview:>Previous episodes:>Pokémon Twilight Wings subs:>Movies:>M23: Coco>Music, manga, and more: thread: