>>54001259>A species of animal in which every member adorns itself with the skulls of it's parent is patently ridiculous and entirely unbelievable if you know a lick about biology.It's frustrating because there's a lot of things about Cubone and Marowak that make sense on their own, but not when you mash them all together into one organism.
>We have plenty of semelparous species, where one or both of the parents die immediately after mating and/or giving birth. Salmon, octopuses, a few families of insects... but those are all r-selected species, and Cubone is clearly k-selected.>We have a few species that can use tools besides humans. Great apes, a few species of monkeys, crows, and sea otters have all entered the Stone Age. Some sort of ape-like creature using a large bone as a primitive bludgeon isn't a farfetched idea.>An animal adapted to THROWING objects to hunt prey is a little more out there... but it's happened. Once.I think the closest you can get to Cubone is some sort of primitive, hominid-like species that evolved from cynodonts, that lives in a hot savannah-like environment and becomes hairless to adapt, that lives in groups, and hunts larger animals with bones in hunting parties. If they're intelligent enough to develop culture, I can even see them wearing the skulls of their kills as trophies.
But once you add every single mother dying in childbirth, the whole thing immediately implodes. It's impossible for your population to increase if every mother can only produce ONE egg before dying.
And then existing in the same world as humans? Complete overkill. We would've wiped them out like all the other rival hominid species.