Made this thread earlier at a bad time and forgot to keep it alive. I want to know what is your favorite
Gen I locale I dungeon I location theme Gen I, not Kanto throughout the games (so no Mt. Moon Square, Magnet Train, or Gen II version of Cinnabar Island). After you vote, I want to know WHY you like it above the rest, what made it stand out to you?
My favorite locale is Cinnabar Island. It stands out to me because it's the only locale of its type in the game. It's right below Pallet Town, so reaching it feels like you're on the last step of your journey before the Pokémon League, and that you've come full circle. There may not be many people outside the Gym and Pokémon Mansion, but I like Blaine as a character because those zany quizzes are fun. The Research Lab is also present, and you'll finally get Omanyte/Kabuto and Aerodactyl, all of which can only be obtained there, and once. Other than that, it's also west of the Seafoam Islands, the location of Articuno. In the mass of water between Pallet Town and Fuchsia City, it's easy to associate all the good stuff together.
Pokémon Mansion is my favorite dungeon because it's unlike any other dungeon in the game in terms of what you're doing (also one of my reasons for liking Cinnabar Island). While the main goal is technically finding the Door Key for the Gym, the real attraction is finding the journal entries detailing Mew and Mewtwo. It builds the lore in a huge way, and no other dungeon has information like that stowed away.
It's difficult to say what my favorite location theme is, but I tend to like the ones that are only ever used in a single location, because it makes that location stand out more. For example, Viridian/Pewter/Saffron City all using the same theme makes them less unique to me.