clearly crying from the armegeddon sauce from waluigi's taco stand
>>57269630>>57269656congrats. you're right, numerical tuning is easy to do, and this game does interesting things, but I wouldn't say nothing about this game feels lazy. I'm seeing a lot of copied fakemon, some from shitstones, some from vanguard, the red worm thing from myth are some examples. I think bulgori is from one of eric's fangames. I know it's weird to say stealing mon designs is lazy even though that's the foundation of fangames, I'm not arguing on a moral platform, but it is still using someone else's fakemon for your own game. it's weirder when the regionals the dev has made themselves look great, not just the starters but I like the fish that jump on the bridge on route one as well, so idk why they'd use other ones when the ones they make are good enough. the quest rewards feel meh like shitstones as well, even though the quests themselves are more interesting.