>>48728168However, I should probably interject that just because you are beyond the cattle's standards of living and happiness, doesn't mean you get to take that away or disrespect it.
You see, cattle follow their society because that is what makes sense to them; as you might've noticed, you are not bound by this, at least not anymore. You do not see the entity of cattle's law as a deterrent like how cattle see it as. But just because you can at any time, violate any of the cattle's law, doesn't mean you should or that its without consequence.
Regardless of what some others will tell you *cough, zionists* there is nothing preventing the cattles law from bonking you on the head, unless you have a certain political pull, and a decent PR wing to nullify the ramifications of this. Their laws are below you, but its best not to rock the boat yes? It makes all of us who broke out look bad. And also realize that if you respect the cattle, and their world, you can freely walk among it, above their problems and piddles, and you'll naturally have followers who gaze in amazement that you are unpreturbed by the things they consider massive.