I know pokemon distributions is a volatile subject, but I noticed something: alpint isn't on route 4. In this survey
https://www.surveymonkey, which predates the deadline, alpint was voted in to be found in crossroads/and or the surrounding areas that had yellow trees.
Right now, the only locations that have yellow trees are route 4, crossroads, and route 5. Alpint is only found on route 5. Note that the survey was NOT binding, but it was set up alpint to be found in those locations by default, unless decided otherwise, specifically in the event more locations with yellow trees popped up. For whatever reason, this was not noted on the wiki.
Given that, does this warrent alpint being on route 4? Also what's up with viipii and genderless pokemon and egg moves
>>19472052the issue isn't that you shouldn't fight final evos in the wild, it's that you will ONLY be fighting final evos, with no prevos.
>>19472018If he has a legit point, it shouldn't matter how he says it. A person being an asshole doesn't make them any more or less right. Be unbiased, anon.
>>19472071Current estimates have the final gym leader being in the 50s. If the surrounding wild pokemon are above level 43, there are almost 0 pokemon that won't be fully evolved.