| pt2
>>53664878>>53665803>>53665849Unfortunately due to outdated tactics/thinking, incompetent/arrogance leadership, technological advances like early firearms/planes/cars/potions, spread of telephones radio, and TV, the gross political/strategic missteps, with a touch of total war lead to a lot of unnecessary deaths and destructions the like of which haven't been seen since AZ war. This with a dramatic drop in the standard of living and forced conscription/seizure of pokemon/people lead to massive desertion/revolts/protest effectively destroying/weakening/discrediting most if not all of the old powers and institution. The war kinda just ending like how close ww1 did with the Christmas day truce. What follow was years of political instability as everyone try to figure out what to do and the beginning of a few states forming with a dash of isolationism. Now think are starting to open up again, but the scars and tension is still there.
Most people view the war as a total waste of life for no reason, but to keep the old power in control. How regions respond is different from each other like Kanto, Johto, Shinnoh joining up to form something, to Paldea and Galar having their monarch stepping down, Unova/Alola going into full isolationism mode, to Fiore, Almia, and Oblivia forming the ranger unions.
P.S. still playing around with the idea and how it fit with what we see in the anime/games/manga.
P.S.S. The dragon clan lost a lot of their members durning war due to combination of overconfidence, arrogance and outdated thinking.