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I'm not gonna talk about today's direct, you'll see everything in a few hours. Instead, I'll say some things about the game that might be revealed later.
> Final starter Pokemon evolutions will be Grass/Rock, Fire and Water/Psychic
> No new Eeveelutions
> Galarian forms for Spinarak line, Farfetch'd, Altaria, Arbok, Murkrow line, probably more but I haven't gone too far with them. Arbok becomes Poison/Fairy just like Weezing, Murkrow is Psychic/Flying, Altaria is Grass/Dragon, Farfetch'd is Fighting/Flying and Spinarak becomes Bug/Fire.
> Farfetch'd evolves to a swan-like bird holding a leek like before it evolved. Doesn't change it's typing when evolved.
> Ariados gets an evolution. It makes it even bigger, it has spikes on its back that are on fire and big "fangs".
> Except Zacian, Zamazenta and Eternatus, there's more older legendary Pokemon. There are main legendaries from Johto, the weather trio from Hoenn and the main three legendaries from Sun and Moon, there's most likely more, but they will all be available only through raids. They might not be available in their shiny forms, not fully sure about that though.
> There are two Dragon type Pokemon which represent a king and a queen. They're version exclusives and you can get them in the post game in the industrial city by the suspicious man in the small alley near the Pokemon center. They're both level 60. The one that looks like a king is male, the queen one is a female. They can breed, but it's a long process and they don't have any preevolutions.
> Kabu is actually a fifth gym leader, not the third. He's a Rock type gym leader and has a pokemon that looks like Rolycoly's evolution. It's Rock/Fire type.
> The fourth gym leader is Opal. She is a Fairy type gym leader and has galarian Arbok.
> Leon is used by Oleana to capture a box legendary from its respective game to bring it to her, so she can summon Eternatus and rule all the Pokemon. When he finds out about it, he lets you catch it before it's too late.