>>23416376>>23416511I made an updated version a while ago, but there hasn't been an Unown thread to put it in until now. See pic related. I finally conceded to boosting HP and I distributed the mega boost less broadly. Is it better now?
>>23416437I see this idea a lot, and frankly I find it boring. I thought it would be more interesting to make Hidden Power actually powerful than to spawn three somehow-different Hidden Power slots out of nowhere.
>>23416458's justification is kind of my reasoning too.
Oh and for those who haven't seen this before, I should note; the Babel Sphere mentioned is a hypothetical Key Item I concieved for a hypothetical Unown side quest. It boosts Unowns' stats by 1 for each registered forme. When it's fully documented, you can take it back to the dungeon you found it in and uncover the Unownite. Wishful thinking, I know. I just wanna see the little guys get some love.