>>44511252Champion defeated!
>Steven>Chipmunk took out Skarm>Chad took out Aggron>Shark Crunches Armaldo. Does exactly 50%, with Armaldo responding with an omni-boost from Ancient Power. But another Crunch takes him out>Radish can't put a dent into Cradily, so Chad steps in to end it.>Steven sends out Metagross and it dies to 2 Flamethrowers from Salamander>Claydol Sets up a Light Screen, but Radish dabs on it with a crit Petal Dance.Up next, Emerald! and my last Autismlocke entry!
Got to say, now that I understand the Phy/Sp split these games are easier, but not by much. I think Emerald is going to be my biggest challenge yet.