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I actually use Arbok competitively, and regularly even in an OU setting.
You will be pleasantly surprised how bulky its defenses are after intimidate does its work, it can survive several physical attacks, even super effective ones, doing some serious work to the enemy team.
My personal set of choice is a defensive intimidate with Glare, dragon tail, earthquake, and Snatch. Obviously the neat thing here is snatch, not only do many people not know what the heck snatch does, it can utterly ruin other support pokemon by stealing their screens, wishes or healbells, etc.
Ive been thinking of a hypothetical set with Disable instead of Snatch, and something instead of dragon tail. Since most physical oriented pokemon really only carry one attack that can do severe damage to arbok after intimidate, once you disable their precious earthquake theyll have to slowly whittle you away with other moves, while you set up INSERT BOOSTING MOVE HERE.