(Speaking of player characters, I'll just leave this somewhat off-topic post.)
http://jul.rustedlogic.net/thread.php?id=13268>The way the surfing sprites work in all gen. 3 games is they have an animation of the character "jumping" on the the black surfing blob, then a sprite of them sitting on it, which is overlayed on to the blob itself once they "land". These unused sprites, however, are already attached to a Pokemon (looks like Lapras, ala Gold/Silver) ... curiously, they are stored directly before each character's respective sprite for jumping on to the surf-blob. Even more curious is that these are the ONLY unused sprites to not even have data in the the sprite table, meaning they are not and cannot be accessed by the game even by means of hacking. I'm not sure if there is code in the game that would otherwise use the sprites. Strange that they decided to scrap this idea and go with the generic sitting-on-blob pose.