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Pokemon Is with people.
For the main character every class of person look the fucking same.
E.g "Oh look a beauty those bitches all look the same to me" or "all the kids, lass, camper will look like the same fucking guy with green clothes or the guy with shorts they will be always the same for the protagonist not even a small change in the face of the person. E.G
>A punk will always look like a guy or girl on ice (always being the same guy or woman).
>A beauty will look like the same bitch not even a change of clothes anything.
>A rich guy is is the same dude in a Blue suit and all are fucking blonde (ORAS game).
>Team Aqua/magma members they all look the fucking same it almost makes it look like the same mother gave birth to all those bitches. c'mon at least make some changes in clothes for fuck sake.
My point is proven even more when only a Handful of people Look different "important" people. (Your mother, dad, Rival, Gym leaders, E4, Champion) but that's it the rest all look the same.