>>27310475I've seen this happen with the Fallout games. It's essentially the completely unique desire to feel superior and unique and detach yourself from the rest of the crowd to be your own individual. I'm ashamed to say I've been guilty of it on a few occasions. As time goes on there are people who get into Pokémon but haven't played the classic games when they came out so Genwunners play on the fact they're an exclusive group of Pokémon fans to feel like they belong to something.
I personally prefer the Pokémon designs of later generations. I feel like with Generation 1 they were limited by hardware or didn't really know what they were doing. By later generations they developed their art style and found their niche. But that's just my opinion mind you.
>>27311232This, Game Freak can't try anything new because they'll get accused of "RUINING TEH FRANCHISE", but if they'd stick to the original design theory they would get accused of being unoriginal and "just reselling the same game over and over".
>>27311240I get the feeling that the "muh design" crowd would only fill the Pokédex with waifumon, badass fighting types and edgy dragons.