>>48354080>a worse Chesnaught had to be given a brand new move halfway through its premiere gen that to grants priority to what would be situational in which it JUST so happens to line up with its HA so it can actually have a presence in competitive circuit(s)Grass is still ass despite Rillaboom being given the fucking world over it's predecessors, which might be saying something about the type as a whole.
>Court Change was only viable in Singles until Protean 2.0 came out whereas it cucked the meta out of reliable answers to Magearna & Urshitfu.People bitch about "let's make Greninja but again" but Gren never had a designated setup move to bluff with & it mostly had to go mixed out of necessity. Who knows, maybe the rabbit will get a braindead autismo forme as well to coincide in weatherspam.
>a somewhat unique gimmick that still leaves it underwhelming & while given Sceptile's stat spread (outside of 20bp in SpD) it isn't enough to break away from mediocrityGetting a real "Samurrot on wheels" vibe as it has a big number of types covered in its arsenal but has no way to utilize the more crucial ones.
TL;DR Worse than forgettable, they're inoffensive & bland