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Mine were pretty alright and this story sort of shows it
>about 7 at the time when johto was out
>didn't have the game or gameboy because poorfag
>only really saw the games played by friends or neighbor
>neighbor always causing shit because he was 9 and parents were friends so they saw each other regularly
>always breaking my shit or 'borrowing' it only to never give it back
>mum goes over to his house to see his and she says he isn't in at the moment
>allowed in to play on his stuff though
>see his gameboy with gold in it
>remember the shit he's done and take it without hesitation and walk out the house saying i'll be looking for him
>its a pikachu gameboy which is alright
>actually hide on the other side of the neighborhood to play it
>some kid wanders over after settling in and wants to play with his copy
>tell him i'm still new into it but he understands
>shows me his green gameboy and says he would rather have mine
>say I like green and would be willing to swap
>asks why so reply "the side sound thing is a bit stiff"
>he sees its fine but still swap and play for a bit before he has to go home
>head back home myself and neighbor is there and pissed
>tells me I stole his gameboy to his mum
>"sweetie you had a yellow one and that ones green."
>"he doesn't have a gameboy though!"
>my mum steps in
>"actually we did a few days ago"
>I look at her surprised as she looks at me as if to say she knows
>they leave with him mad as fuck
>"I've seen the thing he's done to your stuff anon, I don't approve of what you did but i'm not mad."
>glad as fuck
>few days later heard neighbor beat up a kid at school who had a pikachu gameboy
>go to the guy and ask what happened later when it dies down
>says he got it as a birthday gift then got accused of stealing neighbors and had it taken from him
>ruined someones birthday then had their present stolen because of my actions
I never told anyone the truth about it.