>>34968988The distance you travel and the rarity degree of the wormhole factor into the likelihood of the Pokemon you find being shiny. The likelihood increases until 4500 lightyears. At its highest chances, a single ring has a 10% shiny chance, double ring is 16%, and two rings and patterns is 36%. The Pokemon's shiny status is determined not at the encounter, but the moment you land inside the wormhole. This means not only do you not need the Shiny Charm to find them, but you can also soft reset for nature and IVs.
The catch is there's a limited selection of 5 different Pokemon for each wormhole. Most of them know moves that will make catching them a pain in the ass. For example, Altaria comes with Perish Song, Heliolisk and Magcargo can recover health, Swellow can kill itself with Brave Bird, that sort of thing. Also, this shiny mechanic is exclusive to these Pokemon, and not on the Legendaries or Ultra Beasts.