>>47859156Molamoja and Submola are cute floating sunfish mons! While Molamoja is small (side note, it's weird that there aren't many saltwater fish mons, so Molamoja was welcome there), Submola is very big! It swims using a system like submarines, where it takes in water or removes it to either rise or sink. It can take in a ton of water and slam itself down using an anchor! This is reflected in it's ability, Big Impact! When this Pokemon is switched in (doesn't work on the first turn), the opponent Pokemon will take 1/16th damage. Submola are known for resting on the water's surface, to heat up their metallic scales in the sun!
Mustiraj are jungle dwelling Pokemon, that are known for meditating, and enjoying balance. Their punching style is believed to have influenced the Musti-yuddha style, and Buddhists are known to see these Pokemon as positive influences for their meditative nature!
Shodokelli are 2D Game & Watch-esque spirits that will hop out of walls when people least expect them. While they might be mischevious, among ghost types they are unquestionably the least dangerous, and not malicious.
Kurane are believed to have inspired the crane fighting style, but historical records are murky on the appearance of Kurane in China. These birds wear a nest on their head as they travel. Though they only have one leg, they will stand still in a stream for hours until a fish comes, where they'll flip and quickly catch it!
Masqueray always swim facing islands, and when they leap villagers tend to wave at them! The appearance of their back is believed to have scared off an invading army at one point in early history, seeing them as ominous spirits.
Gameplay-wise, not much to say about these guys!