>February 26th, 2017>David Hollin advises "Save Your Candies" with a wink and thumbs uphttps://youtu.be/bbkXhCxv-0Q>February 27th, 2017 - April 2nd, 2017>Number of events that benefitted from saving candies: 0>Number of players stifling their progress in hope of upcoming XP event: incalculable >April 3rd, 2017>David Hollin redacts previous statement, explicitly acknowledges mass evolution as a viable XP gain strategy, and advises "Spend Your Candies"https://youtube.com/watch?v=xbvInEo-MaE>April 13th, 2017>Double XP event announced and commencesDavid Hollin confirmed biggest scumbag at Niantic. Why is he allowed to keep getting away with it?
Hanke, stop letting your incompetent staff run wild with PR and gag this mad man. Better yet, get him out of your company altogether. He probably exaggerated his involvement with the Buddy System anyway. Big Dig Nick already revealed your office location and you're going to get the place shot up one of these days if you continue toying with the emotions of and underestimating the woundup autistic demographic of your user base that will not think twice about killing your asses over major setbacks in a video game.
[gun loading noises]