>be me>surfing to Slateport to get to the Abandoned Ship>Water Stone and Rain Dance TM would be real useful for my Lombre>be on Route 132 or some shit (bunch of currents)>have to fight a Black Belt for some reason>first pokemon knocks Lombre's health down a bit>decide to use Giga Drain against Machoke>have nearly full health>Revenge>I think I can ta->critical hit>well fuck now I'm en route to a place that I don't even need to be at because Lombre's dead now>go anyway, find the Scanner>get a DeepSeaScale and hope Clamperl can fill the void>it can'tWallace was pretty easy though, just had to let Loonie get beat around long enough to get off a Hypnosis and then have Edison set up Tail Glows. He one-shot everyone but the Milotic, but the damage was still pretty impressive.
On the way to the league now and I still have a shit ton of grinding to do. Steven's Metagross is really scary to me and I don't have a hard counter too, best I can do is spend even more time for a Flygon.
>>43751982Good luck at the leauge!