>>27240225>At a "lure-party">between 30-50 people>chillin' with 2 or 3 other guys>10 more people show up in a group>They join in the chatting and such>Girl talks about her past "pokemon experience" when she got ripped off with the first gen of pokemon tcg>"And so I traded my Magna-something for like 2 common cards haha, what a rip off X3">"A Magna-something you say?">"Ya- uhh like Magneto">I let it slide, no one is correcting her>The new group of 10 are literally shitposting in real life now>My autism activates when one of them brings up>"And then there was this girl a while back who was all like "I LIKE POKEMON B4 IT WAS COOL" And Then I was like, I know way more and are way more into Pokemon Than you!">They all laugh>My autism is brought forth>So which starter are you guys picking for Sun and Moon>"Their making ANOTHER new pokemon game?!" Is this Like their third generation or something LOL">It's actually going to be the seventh>"LIKE OMG THAT'S SO STUPID HAHA TOO MANY POKEMON ONLY LIKE THE FIRST 200 POKEMON ARE COOL ANYWAY" X3I have lost so much faith in humanity on that day