>>37547730>Would you want a type like Dark that has some of the best moves in the game to only get resisted by 2 types, 1 of which was already going to be neutered by Fairy? How about not make Fairy destroy Fighting and Bug for no reason in the first place? Dark already has a ton of crippling weaknesses, with or without Fairy, and is one of the worst offensive types in the game prior to the Knock Off buff. The only Dark type moves you saw competitively were on Dark type Pokemon for STAB, and very, very rarely for coverage on Pokemon with a weakness to Psychic. Even in Gen 5, Sucker Punch was the only one commonly used by viable competitive Pokemon, and the only non-Dark type that comes to mind that uses it is... Dugtrio.
> Didn't think so. Actually, it's probably a good idea. Types can still be bad even if they aren't resisted by a whole bunch. Look at Normal and Dragon. Dragon isn't SE against anything other than Fairy and Steel, and yet it's still an awful offensive type only used for STAB. You'll never see a post Gen-5 Pokemon run a Dragon move that isn't STAB. Same for Normal types. You never see Normal type moves used offensively, except on Normal Pokemon. Fighting would be the same way with or without Fairy if Knock Off never got outrageously buffed.