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I know that feel, bro. Last night, I figured out my favorite Pokemon was Blaziken, and here's why:
>be me
>have event blaziken
>naughty, speed boost, with brave bird, close combat, blaze kick, and flare blitz
>be last night
>trying to deduce favorite pokemon by going through types and gens and shite
>cannot for the love of me decide
>head to neighborbro's house (he has y)
>after some netflix, we whip out 3dses
>decide to mix things up and send out a new pokemon to lead the team (used to be jolteon)
>choose blaziken, was my very first starter from eleven years ago (and pokemon card)
Note that I have continuously beaten his team as he keeps using different strategies, molding around my regular Baton Pass strat with my Jolteon.
>his eyes widen when he sees that i sent out a blaziken against his venusaur
>sends out a gallade in panic
>but too late, brave bird + mega evolve has started
>rek my bro's entire team with one mega-evolved blaziken
>he throws his 3ds across the room in a fit of rage
>his control stick doesn't work anymore and keeps inputting the 'up' command
>fastforward to a few hours ago, seeing him at his house for some speedrunning stuff
>he goes 'what's up?'
>mfw i go 'your control stick'
>mfw no brakes on the blaziken train
Been a good past 24 hours for me.