>>43454155Fuck, that's nothing. Battles lately have been a shit show for me.
>Match starts>My Pokemon is already half dead because opponent started before I loaded and has been attacking me uncontested >Use charged attack>They block it>It doesn't subtract a shield for them>They can block infinitely, never running out of shields>Use charged attack>They don't block it>lolzerodamage>Every time for the entire match>But not for me>Match starts>Can't attack>Tap like crazy>nothing>Tap like fucking machinegun fire>Still nothing>All my Pokemon stand around like idiots while the enemy chops wood I don't live in fucking Ethiopia, the internet here isn't broadcast between soup cans or anything. But battles still suck shit through a straw most of the time. And this is all on top of every asshole using a team of three legendaries because fuck everything.