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First playthrough questions:
1. Holy shit, Diglett is fucking fragile when it can't type-resist an attack. The early Steel Claw was a godsend but would switching to a Mudbray be better?
2. I've got a Pichu-now-Pikachu with a good Nature - how is A-Raichu as an Electric and Psychic representative, compared to, say Kadabra or Magnemite (which also have Natures that play up their strengths)? Will I eventually trade out my cute psy-surf-chu for a Metagross, which I always thought looked totally sick?
3. Wishiwashi vs. Gyarados vs. Toxapex? The first two are both powerhouse attackers, but work differently (single typing on Wishi most notably), how have your experiences been comparing the two? Is it worthwhile to forgo a strong Water offense in favor of Toxapex's unparalleled tank ability?
4. I heard there was some combination of learned and TM moves that make FireCat an absolute terror, but I can't remember what they were. I want to say it had Fire and Dark moves that it learned naturally, and two TM moves, one of which was Leech Life - but I don't remember the last one. Maybe Acrobatics?