Didn't have as much time to play as I'd hoped today.
Having Zubat and Geodude out due to the champ clause really restricts the options for each cave. Slowpoke was pretty much guaranteed, but Onix was still pretty cool. Decided Adamantine could take the place of Widow the Spinarak because the Ariados line is really not worth it this gen. Attack might be lacking, but a bulky rock type never hurts in the early game and Steelix sounds pretty great. Guess I'll be rushing the Rocket Hideout after Morty to get Thief and steal a Metal Coat.
Onix didn't allow Bugy's Scyther to get going either, so the gym went without a hitch. No real issues in Slowpoke well or the rival battle either. Vesuvius finally got a fire type move though, so that's good.
Kinda wanna add slowpoke to the team too, but I wouldn't know who to remove.
>>54883678Giving Bug Buzz at level 13 to a physical attacker is a cruel joke.
>>54883490How did you get haxed? I remember that fight being pretty tame.
>>54881810>>54881862Man that's a massacre. Seeing the 3 Kricketune strat is kinda funny though, not gonna lie.
>>54880888Yeah I learned from my mistake. I do love the Rattata line, but to be fair I probably would've replaced her with Teddiursa anyway.
Sounds like a very tough Giovanni team, good to see you got out of it unscathed this time!
>>54879078>>54879858Should probably just invent some kind of punishment system instead of resetting. Like discarding a random item or spending X amount of money on useless items. You'll stop doing it eventually.
>>54879228Female Geodude I can understand, but what's wrong with female Pidgey?
>>54878739Congrats on the win! Kinda sad to lose Thor go down at the end, but it's better than one you're more attached to.
Too bad you won't be updating anymore, but fun's the only reason to play anyway.
>>54878775It just adds so much to the game for me. Loved them since the days when the internet was full of nuzlocke comics.