>>44935848>Vs Winona>SwellowIt uses Quick Attack, but falls to Volug's Discharge.
>AltariaVolug Mega-Evolves and Volt Switches out, letting Ranmaru in on a Cotton Guard.
Ranmaru somehow misses a Sleep Powder, and Altaria Roosts back up.
The next turn Sleep Powder actually hits.
Ranmaru then lowers Altaria's SpA with a Struggle Bug. It wakes up and Dragon Breaths.
Winona has had enough, withdrawing Altaria and sending out...
>Pelipper ...instead on a Struggle Bug.
Another Sleep Powder.
Volug comes back in.
Pelipper stays sleeping, and goes down to Discharge.
>Altaria againAnother Volt Switch brings Ranmaru safely in on Earthquake.
Sleep Powder puts Altaria back to Sleep.
Volug comes back in, and finishes off Altaria with Discharge.
>SkarmoryIt goes down to Overheat.