>More egregious examples in Gen 5-All the starters. Serperior's ornate french pattern, Emboar's belt and pants, Samurott's helmet and stache.
-Watchog's crossing guard vest
-Ele Monkey's hair
-Timburr line all lugging around construction material. This (and other examples) bother me because other Pokemon have to materialize that stuff out of energy for certain attacks like Bone Rush, yet they have 2x4s and metal beams.
-Seismitoad, too many multi-colored bubble warts and it should be hunched over with longer jumping legs.
-Sawk/Throh karate outfits (b-but Hitmonchan! I can accept all Hitmonchans having hands shaped like bulbous punching gloves easier than them all wearing the same dojo clothing)
-Lilligant waifumon with tilted flower hat (Vileplume is better)
-Minccino/Cinccino nub hands/giant heads
-All the bowties on Gothitelle's line
-Vanilluxe, literally just the straw. Remove the straw and it goes back to being snow-covered mountains that resemble ice cream.
-Klinklang, remove the bottom gear or make it face the same direction as the others.
-Cryogonal's bead mouth
-Bisharp looks cool but the armor looks artificial and machined compared to something like Steelix (or even Aggron's line)
-Heatmor's belly tube
-Hydregion's tank tread suspenders, just cover the belly too like Dragonite/Salamence