A lot of new fans don't realize that Pokemon looked futuristic when it first came out and pokedexs were like space-age technology.
The first pokemon games were around when pretty much no kids on the playground had cellphones and the highest tech present was black & white gameboys. Having a colored screen pocket device that could talk to you was pretty fancy.
Now every kid has a cellphone far more advanced than what is present in most pokemon games. The Pokegear and Pokenav were "advanced" for the time.
It's funny because I've seen zoomers here claim that the first few gens are charming in their "low-tech" and I'm gobsmacked that the perception of the tech level is switched for them.
Anyway, I agree with OP
VS seeker is a good mechanic because I can spam battles with who I like, like the pretty girls at Resort Gorgeous that give me lotsa pokedollars to spend time with them