Hypothesis time: After the events of GTI's climax, we know that
golden light is human souls, and we've heard from Meowstic that there are golden lights at the ends of dreams. I hypothesize that the screaming eldritch walls are
human souls being trapped for some reason, likely to be a power source for whatever the evil plan is. The eldritch gibbering is the trapped calling for help in their native language. Vallion was able to understand it, and by sheer stubbornness, fought through the disease and hauled ass to save them. Panne was trapped in a nightmare and wouldn't wake up, and unwilling to sit and let them suffer, he decided to try and use whatever influence he had as a human to bust them loose. The disease seems a bit too biological to be part of the
soul-stealing operation; if it were aches, pains, and general listlessness I could see it, but sinus troubles are not exactly metaphysical. The disease is, I believe, not the ultimate goal, but a way to prevent anyone from accessing Revelation Mountain without being blatant about it and invoking the notice of legendaries or the full wrath of the Society (until Vallion stormed up there, forcing them to result to drastic measures). What I want to know is why Panne isn't reporting the issues to home base - even if she does insist on going off on her own, having Archeops' eyes in the sky or Ampharos at her back would undeniably be useful. Sure, they may not get there until later, but having a rescue operation already on the way would be handy if it all goes FUBAR; if not for them, then for the residents of Serene Village if/when they don't return or the BBEG unleashes their plan.