Epic Breeding Leftovers Giveaway
Richie 3136-6770-9695 (Electabuzz, Dedenne, Zebstrika) No.16435914 View ViewReport Quoted By:
I think I do this almost every week. I have many mons that need a new home. Please come and adopt them. Feel free to ask for more than 1 mon per person
I have:
+ 5IVs - these have perfect IV and mostly are male so they can be used for breeding
- x2 M Bold Sweet Veil Swirlix
- x3 Careful Frisk Phantump - M & F
- x2 F Timid Torrent Greninja/Froakie
- x1 M Adamant Blaze Torchic
- x1 M Jolly Poison Point Venipede
- x1 F Timid Shield Dust Scatterbug
+ Non-US mons for MM-ers:
- 3IV M Jolly Pure Power Meditite w Elemental Punches & Bullet Punch
- 2x 4IV Timid Protean Froakie - F & M
- 4IV F Timid Own Tempo Espurr
- 4IV F Timid Sand Veil Helioptile
- 3IV F Bold Pickup Gourgeist
- 4IV M Modest Clauncher
- 4IV F Modest Sap Sipper Goomy
- 4IV M Modest Shed Skin Dratini
+ Regular 4IV
- Timid Noibat - both abilities
- Timid Helioptile - Solar Power/Sand Veil
- Brave Honedge - 4IV (-SpA - Spe) or 3IV + 0 Speed
- Adamant Huge Power Bunnelby - F only
- Relaxed Bergmite w Mirror Coat and 3IV + 0 Speed - Sturdy/Ice Body
- Timid Compound Eye Scatterbug - Modern pattern & 1 River
- 3IV Bold Klefki
- Modest Sniper Horsea
- Timid Joltik - both abilities
- Modest Larvesta
- Adamant Intimidate Mawile
- Impish Furfrou
- Modest Goomy - all abilities
- Jolly Speed Boost Venipede w both Spikes
- Adamant Speed Boost Torchic w Baton Pass
- Adamant Marill w Belly Jet
- Bold Unburden Swirlix w Belly Drum
- x1 F Timid Gastly
- x1 M Careful Harvest Phantump
- x1 M Adamant Tyrunt w Elemental Fangs & DD
- x1 Timid Serene Grace Togepi
If you have anything nice I'd much appreciate. Some of the things I'm in need are good IV mons and berries and some last mons for dex filling. Give me good shit and I'll have more free stuff next time.
- Zapdos, Moltres and Dusknoir
- Contrary Inkay
- Gogoat
- Clauncher
- Tough Claw Binacle
- Any good 4IV mons
- These berries: Occa, Passho, Rindo, Chople, Kebia, Shuca, Coba, Payapa, Haban, Babiri, Chilan, Colbur, Lansat, and Starf