Serena would sooner consider suicide via lethal injection than admit to any of the things she did with you that night. She like most people knows that warmth is absolutely necessary for survival in the frigid wilderness. She also knows that sharing body heat is one way to achieve that.
Even so, it embarrasses her to the very core that such warmth has to obtained by canoodling with a boy. Even worse, that boy happens to be /you/. Her muse. Her bodyguard. Her traveling acquaintance.
Serena has no idea how her sleep-deprived mind ever let you do such a thing. Her face slightly tinges at the thought of the things you could have done to her overnight.
She need not wonder long however, as she finds you dozing off as soon as her conscious returns. There remains however, an issue at large.
Serena is staring at you, and it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out why.
Your own returning conscious arrives at the last second to tell you that you're on top of Serena, and that your face is planted on her breasts. Motorboat style.The Serena you wake up to this morning is more alert than the one last night.
"You have approximately ten seconds to remove and explain yourself before I unleash an unspeakable carnage."
>What does Calem say next?