>>52979633And no, Fairy is not the only type that's guilty of this. Others ITT have already ranted about Psychic types so I won't indulge about them too much here, although I do feel like pointing out that Magic and Psychic powers are thematically quite closely related, more than I think most people realize. The actual definition of magic is creating change through will, which is similar to what Psychic powers are as well. In fact, Pokemon wouldn't even be the first setting to consider magic and psychic powers to be related, just look at WH40K.
A type guilty of thematic inconsistency that I feel doesn't get mentioned enough is Normal type. At first glance, it seems that
>>52979523 is right about normal type. It's what a Pokemon that doesn't possess a typing is. But the problem is, there a ton of dual-type normal types. Why are these Pokemon normal type? What makes a Drampa Normal/Dragon instead of just Dragon? Why is Pyroar Fire/Normal instead of just Fire? This clearly shows that Normal isn't just the "has no type" type, it's something else. But what is it, then? What does being Normal type mean?
And what about Fighting? All Pokemon fight, so what separates fighting types from everything else? Does it refer to Pokemon that are highly skilled, experienced, or physically powerful? Then why is a level 1 Machop a fighting type while a level 100 Hydreigon isn't?
By the way, I'm just one problem regarding the canonicity of types in the lore here. I focused on thematic inconsistency because that's what this thread is about, but there are other problems I have with them as well.