>>54936573I agree anon she's adorable.
>>54936616>I hate her because she is an instrument of the jewsShes a fictional character developed by a bunch of corporate Japanese dudes in an office.
>Designed to indoctrinate children into becoming tranniesPretty sure that isn't the case bud.
>Everything about her screams troon from the sylveon to the dyed colored hairMaybe I'm just an oldfag, but her design screams goth/alternative style. It really doesn't read as "trans" but maybe thats because I'm not a terminally online /pol skizzo who sees trans in everything.
>and trying to shill troon ideals to the rest of the boardAre we???? Are we really Anon? Bud I think the only faggot trying to shill here is you.
>Do you have any idea how annoying it is for someone to shove their garbage ideas down your throat 24/7?Funny you should bring that up because, YES I DO! Because there's a certain faggot who's SHOVING THEIR GARBAGE IDEAS DOWN OTHER PEOPLES THROATS, AND ITS YOU BUD!
Holy FUCK /pol skitzos are on another level these days. Stop drinking the fucking kool-aid and go outside you stinky fucks!