Quoted By:
What I expected to be moderatly easy turned into a reel NAIL biter to say the leest.
On the advice of the Anon above I foolishly led with Jerry Cyndancequill (who should be evolving here soon...I was HOPE for 34...maybe 36...after Jasmid...sigh) and BARELY couldn't destroy Seel.
Popped a HotSwap for ElectChode while Seel rested (and snored) Managed to drop it but switched for obvious reasons vs Piloswine who gave me an ounce of trouble. MAYBE even an ounce and an half. Big Steve Garydos was thouroughly cucked after sustaining MULTIPLE Blizzards and MISSING due to hail.
Luckily Barlow HeroCross ALSO tanked MULTIPLE blizzards until the hail cleared up then one shotted PIloSwine to death.
On Dewgong I really SHOULD have switched Barlow out, but he fucking tanked an Aura beam as well before dropping Dewgong THREE! (3) fucking times to destroy Pryce's facade of 'old man wisdom'
Looking -> Forward
I've gaught Jasmid up immediatly after this, then Rocket HQ. If I loose no one to Jasmid I'll likely proceed DIRECTLY to GoldenRod Tower in order the grin there fair clair.
>VS Jasmid
I think she has like Steelix, Scizor, and Magnemite. I'm honestly low key plannng to just run thru the whole thing with Barlow...unless Jerry evolves at 35 somehow. Maybe I'll run the whole Jim with Jerr and let him evolve inside (kinda lame BUT legal in ChadLawr)
>Regarding Clair & Lance
..Yeah I've got Stealie ElectChode now and Big Steve has Ice Fang as well but I am still FEER the DragonMasters...big FEER
>Regarding EveeLutions
I memeber anons struggling gainst them. Slong as I REMAIN with Barlow I WILL feel safe enough against all of them excuse Flarion (whom Big Steve and/or Mama Cass MAY cuck)
ALSO If I can keep Mama Cass alive for like 4 more levels she WILL become my first Golem in like over a year...seriously I've fucking murdered EVERY other Geodud(ette) I've ever had the plausure of usid