Quoted By:
> What country are you from?
>What gender?
>What sexuality?
>How old are you?
>Do you attend College/University/have a job?
>Would you consider yourself to be unhealthy?
>Would you consider yourself to be overweight?
Not even close
>Would you consider yourself to be socially awkward, or shy?
I used to be, in a way. Not anymore though
>Do you have a Pokemon related secret you don't want anyone IRL to know?
I'm not exactly bragging about still playing it, except with my close friends.
>What was your first Pokemon game?
Pokémon Red for the gameboy
>Why browse and post on /vp/?
As far as 4chan boards go, this one is pretty nice
>Anything about /vp/ or 4chan that pisses you off?
People going batshit insane at the simple mention of an emoticon or a meme.
Not that I'm a proud redditorXD but I think reacting that acutely to those, to the point of often derailing the thread, is just as retarded.
Thankfully this attitude is not as common here as it is on /v/