>>32446179You are wrong about two things, sadly for you. 1. Player to player makes sense, but I mentioned the GTS. Again, a Mythical is not worth a common pokémon. A legendary? maybe, but a common one is never worth it, regardless of trade method, held item, etc. The ONLY exception are event pokémon (ex. E. Speed Linoone, Defog Mantine, etc.) that has moves that you can't access otherwise, and that is a huge bargain in itself. 2. Shows what you know about my folders, you pleb. I don't even use one for reactions. I do have one for things I find as funny, however. I just happened to use that at the right moment. Speaking of which, do you want to know what else that I find funny? How steep of a metaphorical "mountain" I have kicked you off of using this post.
You know what's even funnier? Your inevitable attempt to retaliate. Enjoy the climb back up, fucko!