Trading | Breeding | Battling | Shitposting | Giveaways | Autism | General Questions | Copy-pasting Old Threads | Old Thread:
>>20598714This is the go-to thread for trading for Pokémon with various egg moves, Hidden Abilities, and Pokéballs.
It's also the perfect place to get your battles underway and distribute your giveaways to the masses.
This is not a thread for adding Friend Safaris or for hacks or clones. For those, look elsewhere.
Refer to the guide or outside sites like Serebii, Smogon, and Bulbapedo before you ask questions.
Text lists are shit. Paste the text into an image or a Pastebin if necessary.
Here is a shitty guide for first-time posters and/or 12-year-olds: of the Thread: the post below this is an Ariados don't trust what it says
Actual Topic of the Thread: What is your most wanted shiny that you don't have yet?
If archive foolz is gone now, then why do we link to the old threads?