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GOOD EVEEEEEEEEEEEEENING /TCC/! Just wanted to remind you that we’re another day closer to the pop (yes, THE BUBBLE POP) happening! Make sure to save your tears and hodl your bags for the upcoming copes from your favorite investment youtubers!
Yikes! That’s a bold and obviously misleading statement that undermines any and all current situations we're in. Isn't it odd that people who did not care about a hobby for 20 years will stay after they stop getting free money from the government and aren't stuck inside their houses? Isn't it a little funny that hundreds of youtubers pop up telling you to invest all of a sudden? And while you're busy coping over falling for the excitement of normalfags, you can stare at the 2 year old booster box you dropped a grand on. As every day passes, so do prices drop. Your copes of corrections, line go up copes are all the more sweeter.
>b-but free tendies! rudy and smpratte told me !!!1!! P-PSA died!!!!
Sorry, but you fell for a meme. See you next year when fortnite cards totally go to the moon!!! or when we all have to hodl on to shiney magikarp. I'll be laughing whilst playing with bros, and don't forget to dilate, tranny jews!