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other thread archived before i could respond so i'm making a new one
sinnoh's E4 are notable because they don't fall into the same gimmicks as other type specialists.
Sabrina, Tate&Liza, Caitlin, Olympia, they're all psychic themselves, and I don't know what Will's deal is but he's got something going on. Lucian is a relatively normal person enjoying his book.
Aaron's only the second Bug specialist in the series, but considering the one before was a glorified Bug Catcher, he stands out well enough by not doing that.
And of course there's Flint. He's not hot-headed, he doesn't adorn himself with obnoxious flames, and he forgoes the mono-fire team for a sun team.
Bertha's exemplifies this the least, as the only prior ground specialist was Giovanni, but the two after her are Clay (who runs a mining operation and has a cowboy look) and Hapu (who is a farmer iirc) so her being an old lady is different from that.
Sinnoh's Elite 4 could almost pass for normal trainers, but that's what makes them work. They don't look like they were born to specialize in these types, they don't personify them. These are people who found a passion for battling and worked their ass off to become the best at it. And that's what makes them memorable to me.