My bros
>>47200390A little boring, but points for Ampharos and Typhlosion 3/9
>>47201599Good taste. 4/9
>>47202255Ehhhh. Points for Char and Scizor I guess. 2/9
>>47202679Points for Feraligatr, Honchkrow, and Blaziken. 3/9
>>47202806Points for Gar and Roserade. 2/9
>>47204142You chose really nice pics, points for Reshiram and Primarina. 5/9 (bonus for nice pics)
>>47204638Good taste, points for Sceptile, Gardevoir, Scizor, and Espeon 4/9
>>47205060I hate you. You are boring. (Char and Cinderace are nice though but I still hate you)
>>47205586Very good taste 6/9