Holy shit, stop bitching about Smogon. Yes they are shit. A failure since Gen 4 where they can't accept that power creep comes with every game And have to cling to their outdated formats and desperate attempts to preserve the worst playstyle that exists(Stall). I can't see why anyone would defeat them when their community is a joke and gets thrown into a Shitstorm the moment some new asian grill wrecks everyone in a tournament. These are the same people that banned Aegislash and attempted to kill Mega Metagross. Just play the actual games. Yes ORAS is shit but at least the online is good enough to justify buying the game. Remember Smogon is run by people who don't even buy the games and can't fucking tell apart the Pokemon by generations, even gen 1 and 5. These are also the same people that use time stalling. And the one faggot who killed his mother. And the same people thunking they should be hired by Gamefreak.
And also
>>23199988You missed faggot.