>>35537190So I ended up plowing through a chunk of the game in more-or-less one go. Wyoming more than earned his MVP status in soloing Koga and just about all of his flunkies - was actually hilarious when the last match was decided when his Weezing killed itself trying to use Self-Destruct while Wyoming had used Dig avoiding it altogether. From there we traveled to Saffron and stormed the Silph Co. building. Decided to grind up some of my other 'mons, getting Wash and York to evolve. After clearing out all the Rockets, Wyoming proceeded to wreck shit with Sabrina, though there was a close-call when he got hit with Alakazam's crit Psychic and managed to hold on by single hit point. Before surfing out to Cinnabar, decided to take a detour out to the Power Plant to see what I could pick up and sadly I lost Maine to a self-destructing Electrode. Following that loss, rode the waves out to the island, revived an Aerodactyl from Old Amber, caught a Ponyta within the Mansion and drowned all of Blaine's burner boys. Glad to see that Washington has finally come into his own - even if his Special isn't anything... special, he's a stalwart wall.
So, I'm gonna spend some time feeding Swimmers to York before heading out to see Giovanni one last time.