Quoted By:
>Candy XL is being made available to everyone lvl. 31+ at the start of the Season of GO
>Coincidentally, max-level Mega Pokémon are becoming available to the public right at the turn of the season, which will allow same-type catches to give 2 additional candy, have a +25% chance of giving candy XL, and will give an additional 100 XP per catch
>As of May, raids now have a rare chance of giving rare candy XL
>Trades this season will also give +1 candy and a guaranteed candy XL regardless of distance
>Various desirable Pokémon (Magnemite, Larvitar, Drilbur, Axew, Mudkip, Swinub, Meditite, Galarian Darumaka) will not only be made more accessible, but will also allow for extreme candy and candy XL gains for normal or shadow variants
>This will also apply to Adventure Week, which will almost certainly have Cranidos and Shieldon as rare spawns at worst
>Extra candy XL will also play into Groudon, Kyogre, Mewtwo and whatever other legendaries and/or Ultra Beasts they plan on having from now on
>Mfw they're just gonna let all this resourcecreep happen like nothing's out of the ordinary
They make it look like the past two years of grinding for candy XL were just so that tryhards could get a head start towards lvl. 50 over everyone else. Then again, maybe they're doing this so that they can give other players better odds at taking on those players since a large number of them are also spoofers. Really hope we get some stardust resourcecreep at some point too, because these shadow Pokémon and/or lvl. 50 Pokémon have been devouring my stardust by the millions.