>BlaineBranco was 1st up, got outspeed by Ninetales and got hit with Confuse Ray. Hit himself 4 times before connecting 2 Surfs.
Emerson was up next, Growl from Rapidash missed so he was able to 1HKO with Earthquake. Emerson also outspeed Arcanine, used Earthquake and was then killed by a crit Take Down. Arcanine nearly KOd himself. Maicon finished the job with Thunderbolt.
>GiovanniSo, with Emerson dead Romario returned back to the team. I grinded then the team to Lv52 before going to the gym. No problems here as Branco was able to solo the fight without taking a hit.
>BlueKept Branco in the first place to deal with Sandslash. Next up was Exeggcute. Switched to Junior, who killed Exeggcute before the SolarBeam would hit. Junior then also KOd Ninetales with 2 Drill Pecks.
Cloyster out, switch to Zico. 1HKO with Hi Jump Kick after tanking an Aurora Beam.
Kadabra then finally showed up, Maicon time, Kadabra set Reflect.Set up Light Screen while Kadabra used Recover. Then 3 rounds of Thunderbolt and Kadabra Recover back to full HP. Until Kadabra decided to use Psychic, which turned into a crit so that Light Screen was ignored, and nearly killed Maicon. Survived on 6/151HP.
Romario then did its part, switching in, tanking another crit Psychic (70% HP) before outspeeding Kadabra and putting it to sleep. Switched to Marta who finished Kadabra and 1HKOd Jolteon with Earthquake.
>>54397750Congrats on the win