>>18600822Alice removes her finger from its lewd position before it can be brought to the judge's attention. On the other side of the courtroom, the defendant attempts to play the role straight by keeping things clear and smooth, much like a fine glass of hot melted glass, or a game of pool on a cold summer's midevening.
As it should be noted from this point onward when it comes to the decision of deciding between this and that and apples and oranges, Chople is nowhere near the level of humiliating anxiety emitted only from a protagonist so heartless and dastardly that he feels the justified need to ruse children out of a gargantuan pie.
That would be you, mon monsieur."I'm, uh, fine... You remember me?"
Alice clasps her hands together, "'Course I do!~ I'd never forgetta face like yours, 'specially since I don't really meeta lotta kids my age..l~ Oh well!~ I don't like 't thinka 'bout bad stuff. Back 't the mem'ry vault with'cha, I always say!~"
A) "Ah, and why would that be?"
B) Ask her how she's doing, because keeping her from her goals is bad.
C) "You...think I'm cute?"